QDA Miner - An older interface and no Mac support hinder this otherwise-solid and full-featured software.Delve - Designed for interview or focus group transcripts, it is slick and easy-to-use with some advanced features such as participant descriptors. See education pricing.Dedoose - Designed for mixed methods projects with fewer but more complex codes (allows ratings), this full-featured online software is a solid choice in some circumstances, especially distributed groups with somewhat complex projects, or those that would benefit from monthly pricing.Atlas.ti Cloud - Slick and colorful, but not full-featured, this is a great software for first-time users with uncomplicated needs.

Online: These make it easier to collaborate with others and offer per-month pricing, (~$10-20/month), good for shorter projects

Supports sensitive data with a local or server install, or use their free server.

The interface tends to be more cluttered and redundant, but an identical interface across platforms, regular improvements, and free course licenses and read-only access to projects make it an attractive option. MAXQDA- Although newer than others, MAXQDA takes advantage of this with many colors, emoji's, and on-the-fly filtering.Recent versions have greatly improved labeling and added features that were standard for it's competators. It also has network tools and a companion online version. Atlas.ti- Originally designed for Grounded theory analysis, Atlas.ti excels at memos and other tools for theory building.