Hence, AutoFill the summation formula to the rest of the cells in column F.As a result, you will get income from several categories of products.

After that, press ENTER on your keyboard.Where D6 is the income from the category A product, and E6 is the income from the category B product.Hence, write down the following formula in the Formula Bar. First of all, select cell F6 to apply the mathematical summation formula.Let’s follow the instructions below to calculate the business income! Now, we will sum up those incomes using the mathematical summation formula. From our dataset, we have different categories of income. In this portion, we will calculate the business income using the summation formula. Let’s follow the instructions below to calculate the business income and expenses! Step 1: Use Summation Formula to Calculate Business Income Here’s an overview of the dataset for today’s task. We will do those five easy and quick steps, which are also time-saving.

From our dataset, we will calculate the Income and Expenses of the Armani Group using a mathematical summation, subtraction formula and the SUM function, and so on. Let’s assume we have an Excel large worksheet that contains the information about the Income and Expenses of the Armani Group.